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  • Writer's pictureLynette Ritchie


In the sprawling expanse of the American roadway, where the asphalt stitches the wide, open spaces of the USA together, our maiden 2,000-mile journey (in 2020) turned from the mundane to the memorable, serving a lesson I'm compelled to share with fellow newbie travelers. This isn't just any travel mishap—it's a stark reminder of the critical importance of developing, updating, maintaining, and executing checklists each and every time you launch when you're piloting a fortress on wheels.

Road Work
Road Work

It was a seemingly unremarkable day as we navigated our 40-foot motorhome along the busy lanes of Interstate 10. Construction work had squeezed the highway down to a meager two lanes, a common enough occurrence that rarely spells disaster. However, fate had laid a different plan for us that day.

Just a stone's throw ahead—ten vehicles, to be precise—a fuel tanker met with catastrophe, turning our route into a scene straight out of a high-octane blockbuster. Thankfully, the driver was unharmed, but the accident triggered a standstill that lasted over two hours.

The Texas sun bore down on us, a stark reminder of the desolation surrounding our temporary asphalt anchorage. Eventually, a highway patrol officer delivered the unwelcome news: the road would likely remain closed until the next day. He offered us two choices: disconnect the tow vehicle (toad) and execute a 50-point U-turn with our motorhome or back up half a mile to take the alternative route via the last on-ramp. We opted for the former, not being keen on maneuvering our sizable vessel backward through a tight space.

Once past the incident, we continued on the frontage road, me trailing the motorhome in our Toyota 4Runner. Deciding to reunite our vehicles, we pulled off into an area beside some railroad tracks that was blanketed in deep gravel. We quickly reattached the 4Runner, jumped into our rig to make our way back into heavy traffic, and resumed our journey. Yet, something was amiss.

"I don't know why this thing's got such drag and isn't getting up to speed," my husband mused. Before we could puzzle it out further, our concerns were echoed back by the cacophony of honking horns and frantic gestures (not the finger) from passing drivers. A quick glance in the rearview mirrors revealed a distressing sight—plumes of smoke trailing behind us. It was like a scene from "Top Gun 'Smoke in the air, smoke in the air,' " minus the thrill of Tom Cruise, of course.

4 new tires for the tow vehicle
Toad Gets All New Shoes

The culprit, we think, was a faulty gyro thingy in our auxiliary braking system that depressed the brakes and locked all four of the toad's tires, rendering them useless as they dragged along the pavement. What was supposed to be a minor detour morphed into a real drag and a 24-hour plus ordeal. We waited several hours (apparently Sundays are super busy, and our Emergency Road Service provider does not rank as high as other companies given precedence) more for a tow truck, then watched helplessly as our vehicle was winched aboard and towed to the nearest shop for new shoes. We scoured the area for a camping place, stayed, and resumed the saga the following morning.

This experience was more than just a hiccup; it was a wake-up call to cool our jets regardless of the urgency we might be feeling. It underscored the importance of meticulously checking and rechecking all details before setting out. No longer trusting the original setup, we changed to an air system connected to the motorhome's air brakes. It was a costly lesson about being hasty but one that highlights an invaluable point: when it comes to launching, take your time and check your preflight list regardless of circumstances (like traffic or any other factors that make you feel rushed).

So, here's two words to the wise from one traveler to another: SHIT HAPPENS!

But some crap can be avoided with checklists, checklists, checklists—no matter how mundane or extraordinary—they help make each trip end as safely as it began. Let our misadventure be your cautionary tale. Before you hit the road, take a moment to check and recheck that your preflight checklist is as robust as your spirit of adventure and meticulously executed. Safe travels!

What launch sequences have you found invaluable. Please add comments. Please share if you found this helpful.

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Hi, I'm Lynette Ritchie

I am an RVer , an adventure and wellness enthusiast, as well as an author traveling full-time with Tim, my hubby of 41 years in our 40' Dutch Star ChaChing.

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Creativity. Intentionality. Joy.

Retirement doesn't have to be boring! We believe in embracing our inner kid and embarking on exciting road trips that will make us feel young again. With our creative itineraries, we  say goodbye to the mundane and hello to thrilling adventures that bring pure and unabashed happiness and joy.


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