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  • Writer's pictureLynette Ritchie

Clutch Moment: Steering Clear of RV Parking and Other Perils

Leveling RV
Mostly Level

"I'm sorry for what I said while you were backing," might well be declared the official apology of spouses everywhere when maneuvering a massive RV into a snug camping spot. This phrase, humorously encapsulating the trials of parking such a beast, is something many in the camping community can relate to with a knowing laugh.

As our RV parking assistant, I've discovered my responsibilities extend far beyond the mere act of directing the driver into a designated plot. It took me a couple of years to master about 90% of this art. The remaining 10%? Well, that continues to be a topic of lively debate and discussion. Campfire gatherings often bubble with laughter as people share their parking sagas, complete with exaggerated pantomimes of the frantic hand signals and the observed directions from the rearview mirror.

RV parking Trees and Hazards Averted
Trees and Hazards Averted

In some adventurous duos, the roles of driver and navigator are interchangeable. While I can drive our behemoth, I confess a preference for navigating has made me the chief parking director by default. This role finds me regularly positioned at the rear of our diesel pusher, in view of the driver's rearview mirror, which is near the side-mounted radiator.

My responsibilities are manifold:

  • Ensuring the RV is situated in the spot as well as possible to be reasonably level, pre-jacks.

  • Avoiding any slide-out obstructions.

  • Steering clear of low-hanging branches.

  • Remaining within range of hook-ups.

Until recently, I believed these tasks summed up my parking duties. However, one day, I thought I heard or possibly felt a slight change in the familiar hum of our RV's robust 450-horsepower Cummings engine, which suggested otherwise. Initially, I doubted my ears, questioning whether I was merely hearing things. We decided to keep an ear on it for a few more stops, unsure if I was hearing things or not.

We made an appointment with Freightliner to have them check out another not-so-subtle issue we'd been seeing, the mystery of our quirky gremlin, which was becoming more frequent. Our gremlin lights up random dashboard warning ⚠️ lights when we are parked, set up, the engine is off, and there are no keys in the ignition. Weird, I know.

RV Radiator Fan and Mounting Bracket
Radiator Fan and Mounting Bracket

I casually mentioned my concerns about the radiator sounding unusual during your gremlin appointment. The mechanic and service writer both took my observations seriously and upon inspection, they confirmed there was something wrong: the radiator clutch was failing and a possible problem with the mounting bracket. Thanks to my spidey senses of the abnormal noise and vibration, we managed to avoid extensive damage to both the radiator and engine, not to mention the potential nightmare of being stranded on the roadside, facing hefty towing costs and travel delays.

As for our elusive gremlin, affectionately named Newman, it remains a baffling presence in our RV life, yet to be pinpointed despite our best efforts.

This experience reinforced a valuable lesson reminiscent of my grandmother's wise words: "A stitch in time saves nine." Trusting one's intuition can avert more significant troubles down the road. This incident wasn't just about avoiding mechanical failure; it was about recognizing and acting upon subtle hints that something was amiss, proving that sometimes, the smallest observations can prevent the most significant problems.

So, what's your RV parking story? Have you encountered similar challenges or humorous misadventures in your travels? Each story brings a smile and shares a piece of hard-earned wisdom from the open road.

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Hi, I'm Lynette Ritchie

I am an RVer , an adventure and wellness enthusiast, as well as an author traveling full-time with Tim, my hubby of 41 years in our 40' Dutch Star ChaChing.

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