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  • Writer's pictureLynette Ritchie

Embracing Play: Lessons from Our RVing Road Trip

Embracing the Spirit of Play

Remember those carefree days of childhood when every morning was a new adventure waiting to happen? The world was our vast playground, and we were the heroes of our own stories. Whether we were building epic sandcastles, exploring mysterious forests, or simply playing tag with friends, every moment was filled with excitement and joy. Now, imagine recapturing that feeling today. I'm on a journey to do just that, and I invite you to join me. Welcome to my quest to rediscover the joy of play!

The Magic of Childhood Play

Think back to your favorite childhood memories. The thrill of recess, the anticipation of weekend adventures, the simple joy of unstructured play. Those moments were magical because they were filled with spontaneity, creativity, and freedom. We weren't bound by schedules or responsibilities; we were free to explore, imagine, and play.

Play isn't just for kids. It's a vital part of our well-being, regardless of age. Play keeps us active, sharpens our minds, and lifts our spirits. It's a way to connect with others, express ourselves, and find joy in the simple things. So why let go of something so essential just because we've grown older?

The Power of Play

After retiring, I found it easy to continue monotonous routines and habits. But I met a few people whose lives demonstrated a more playful approach to life. Here's why play is so powerful:

  • Physical Health: Play keeps us moving, whether it's through sports, hiking, dancing, or just goofing around. It improves cardiovascular health, strengthens muscles, and boosts our immune system.

  • Mental Health: Engaging in play reduces stress, enhances creativity, and improves cognitive functions. It keeps our minds sharp and helps ward off feelings of anxiety and depression.

  • Social Connections: Play brings people together. It fosters connections, builds friendships, and strengthens relationships. Through play, we share experiences and create lasting memories.

  • Emotional Well-being: Play brings joy, laughter, and a sense of freedom. It reminds us of the pure, unfiltered happiness we felt as children and allows us to experience it all over again.

The Journey and the Extraordinary People I've Met So Far

Breaking free of my always serious and intense nature wasn't easy, but some of the people I've met on my epic road trips have been instrumental in transforming my outlook on life. Here are some incredible individuals who have inspired me to embrace play with zest and passion and see that these aren’t ’golden years’ they are Prime Time:

1. **Joan and Steve, the Rock Star Couple:** These two are in their sixties, they travel around the country, volunteering, jeeping, riding their motorcycle, and Steve still plays adult softball too. Their dedication to play and service is truly inspiring, proving that you can simultaneously stay active, have fun, and make a difference.

2. **Patti, the Track and Field Enthusiast:** My high school coach, Patti, continues participating in senior track and field events with infectious enthusiasm. Traveling to watch she and other seniors compete reminded me of the joy of pushing physical limits and setting new goals, regardless of age.

4. **Bob the Spirited Storyteller:** Bob, a former Navy pilot and entrepreneur, has a gift for weaving tales and conversation that captivate any audience. He brings stories to life in a way that sparks the imagination and brings people together. His storytelling reminds me of the power of words, kindness, authenticity, and the magic of sharing experiences.

5. **Wendy the Jewelry Designer:** Wendy turned her passion for crafting beautiful jewelry pieces into a full-time adventure. Traveling from one juried arts festival to the next, she creates stunning works inspired by the places she visits. Her enthusiasm for her craft and the joy she finds in each creation have encouraged me to pursue my creative endeavors with the same passion. See her work here

6. **Cathy the Fierce Biker:** Cathy, in her seventies and still conquering hills without electric assistance, is a force to be reckoned with. Her energy, strength, and determination to stay active are nothing short of inspiring. Biking or hiking alongside her pushes me to challenge my perceived limits and enjoy the exhilaration of friendship and movement.

7. **Matt the Wildlife Refuge Volunteer:** Matt, a wildlife volunteer and friend, combines strength, stamina, and versatility in his work. He is truly inspiring, whether greeting guests in the visitor center, or refuge maintenance like bucking trees, his kindness, sense of humor, commitment, strength, and friendship has shown me the importance of community.

Embracing Play on the Road

Inspired by these amazing people, we've made it our mission to rediscover all the elements of play through our travels. Here's how you can join me and infuse your days and adventures with the joy of play:

1. **Explore New Hobbies:** Try something you've always been curious about but never had the time for. Whether it's jewelry-making, biking, or volunteering, embrace the opportunity to learn and grow.

2. **Stay Active:** Find ways to incorporate physical activity into your day. Hike new trails, bike through scenic routes, or dance under the stars. Let your body move and feel the freedom of play.

3. **Connect with Others:** Share your journey with others. Join groups, participate in activities, and attend events interesting to you. Build connections and create memories with like-minded individuals.

4. **Be Spontaneous:** Allow yourself to be spontaneous and open to new experiences. Follow your curiosity, take detours, and embrace the unexpected. Let the spirit of play guide your adventures.

5. **Give Back:** Find ways to contribute to the communities you live or visit. Volunteer your time, share your skills, and make a positive impact. Giving back adds a deeper sense of purpose.

Ready to Join the Adventure?

If my journey has sparked your curiosity and awakened your inner child, it's time to take the plunge. Embrace the spirit of play, rediscover the joy of exploration, and let your Prime Time be filled with laughter, creativity, and meaningful connections. Life is too short to be serious all the time. Let's make it a grand adventure together.

So, are you ready to join the adventure? Let's hit the road, chase our passions, and rediscover the joy of play. Trust me, you won't want to miss this ride.

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Hi, I'm Lynette Ritchie

I am an RVer , an adventure and wellness enthusiast, as well as an author traveling full-time with Tim, my hubby of 41 years in our 40' Dutch Star ChaChing.

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Creativity. Intentionality. Joy.

Retirement doesn't have to be boring! We believe in embracing our inner kid and embarking on exciting road trips that will make us feel young again. With our creative itineraries, we  say goodbye to the mundane and hello to thrilling adventures that bring pure and unabashed happiness and joy.


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