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  • Writer's pictureLynette Ritchie

Harvest Hosts: Nourishing the Soul of American Travel

Sunrise over a Farm in the Heartland
Heartland Sunrise

Looking for a last minute gift for your RVing family and friends that takes "no space?" Or a New Year's treat for yourself?

For three-plus years, we've complemented our full-time RVing journey with Harvest Hosts, witnessing its growth into a thriving community that transcends the typical RV experience. Imagine boondocking under the stars, not in the wilderness, but in the heart of small businesses across the nation. Farms, ranches, distilleries, wineries, microbreweries, museums, ghost towns, restaurants, orchards, animal rescues, golf courses, churches, a junkyard – the possibilities are as diverse as America itself.

Monkey at Primate Preserve
Primate Preserve

The beauty of Harvest Hosts lies not just in the picturesque locations but in the personal connections forged with the visionary owners. While there are no camping fees to stay, the pact is to support these local businesses with a purchase or donation. There are times we've spent more than traditional camping, but the experience is immeasurable. This isn't just a journey; it's a passage through the arteries of America, tapping into its lifeblood of genuine hospitality.

Some critics argue about the cost of making a purchase, “it should be free,” comparing it to parking lots or public lands.

In times like this of crazy inflation, this isn't a critique of trying to find a more economical way to live. I too celebrate the myriad apps, online resources, and books teaching us to camp for free and live off the grid.

A Bearsun Stop in their Run Across America
Bearsun stops too in this Iconic Small Town (kind of a ghost town) that was a Blast in the Past

However, I think those wanting to stay in these locations at no cost have missed the point – this is an intimate invitation and an opportunity to contribute to the success of the brave souls who vulnerably and passionately share their stories, creations, and time.

Consider this a heartfelt cheer to those who illuminate their businesses' porch lights, welcoming our self-contained RV community as family. It's a perpetual "Small Business Saturday," a chance to contribute to their endeavors that, in turn, contribute to the societal tapestry. Picture it as a rolling street fair or a farmers market on wheels.

Winery (my fav: Zin aged in bourbon barrels)

On this journey, you'll encounter incredible people discovering the strength of our collective spirit. Opinions may differ, but therein lies the beauty – encountering individuals, not faceless masses. Witness sincerity, hear stories, and open your heart and mind to understand diverse perspectives. It's not about changing your opinion; it's about appreciating the reasons behind others'.


Our Harvest Hosts adventure spans fifteen businesses across fourteen states, each visit introducing us to new friends and acquaintances. The common thread? We are in this together, more similar than we realize. Traveling becomes a canvas where diverse stories paint a collective picture of unity.

In a world often divided, this nomadic journey unveils the shared humanity that unites us. Harvest Hosts isn't just about locations; it's about the people and the stories etched in the landscapes. So, as we traverse the highways, meeting incredible souls and creating our own narrative, we discover that the best part of this story is the shared human experience.

FYI - we gain nothing from this article, we simply wanted to share our gratitude for the businesses that participate, our opinion, and provide a gift recommendation.

Like and/or leave a comment if you love Harvest Hosts too and can relate.



Hi, I'm Lynette Ritchie

I am an RVer , an adventure and wellness enthusiast, as well as an author traveling full-time with Tim, my hubby of 41 years in our 40' Dutch Star ChaChing.

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Retirement doesn't have to be boring! We believe in embracing our inner kid and embarking on exciting road trips that will make us feel young again. With our creative itineraries, we  say goodbye to the mundane and hello to thrilling adventures that bring pure and unabashed happiness and joy.


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