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Writer's pictureLynette Ritchie

RV Adventures: Conquering Mouse Mayhem

Greetings, fellow road warriors! Today’s tale involves a mouse, a mission for a feline defender, and a plastic container fortress that rivals any diet plan vault.

One morning, as I curled up with a good book and a tiny intruder made a bold entrance – a mouse 🐭 on a mission. In a moment of instinctive defiance, I declared, "Oh, hell no! There ain't room for both of us in here." To my surprise, I heard a puzzled "What?" from my husband, who quickly became my partner in this unexpected rodent escapade.

Upon investigation, it was apparent that these critters weren't just casual visitors; they had taken a keen interest in our vitamin and fitness supplements. My reaction? "Holy shit, they're bulking 💪🏽!"

Now, being a farm girl at heart, I knew that this was a job for a barn cat. But while I like cats 🐈 well enough (I know plenty of people that travel with cats and it‘s love) for me it’s a hard no. So off to the farm store we went, to arm ourselves with the weaponry needed to wage war on our tiny invading stowaways. I returned home, ready to set up a parallel ambush with military precision.

The evening unfolded like a suspenseful scene from an RV-based thriller, with me sleeping with one ear open. Suddenly, the sound of sweet victory echoed through the RV. I jumped up and marched my prisoners outside.

Lynette 1 : Mice 0

Pantry all items in hard encasing
Plastic Fortress

Battle-Tested Solutions

For those fellow travelers facing a mouse dilemmas, here are the battle-tested solutions we've embraced. First and foremost, everything not in metal or glass must reside in hard plastic containers (they chew through soft plastic) – a defense strategy that doubles as a diet aid, making everything a hassle to get into. Second, rodent chirping plug-ins in storage area(s) and strategically placed sticky traps too. Final line of defense, flashing rope lights around the RV act as both a beacon and a deterrent. I refrain from using them in "night light" restricted parks, but if you spot what looks like a spacecraft hovering in the evening, fear not – it's just me, asserting my territorial dominance (more civilized than urinating on the tires 🤣) on this rolling ship.

Flashing rope lights around perimeter of coach
Rope Lights on Dusk/Dawn Timer

Join us in this ongoing comedy of our 40-year love story, where mice are merely supporting characters, plastic containers are fortifications, and every unexpected twist is met with humor. Stay tuned for more tales from the road, where every day brings a new chapter in the diaries of our nomadic adventure. 🚍 ❤️ #RVLifeDiaries #RollingLaughs #MouseWarfare

P.S. Wondering how we got here? Find all the answers and more in this author's book, "Idled Too Long: A Never Too Late to Re-Engage Health and RVing Adventure." It's your guide to a leaner, healthier, and stronger RVing experience.

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Hi, I'm Lynette Ritchie

I am an RVer , an adventure and wellness enthusiast, as well as an author traveling full-time with Tim, my hubby of 41 years in our 40' Dutch Star ChaChing.

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Creativity. Intentionality. Joy.

Retirement doesn't have to be boring! We believe in embracing our inner kid and embarking on exciting road trips that will make us feel young again. With our creative itineraries, we  say goodbye to the mundane and hello to thrilling adventures that bring pure and unabashed happiness and joy.


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