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  • Writer's pictureLynette Ritchie

Rolling Laughs: RV, Marriage, Love, and Comedy

Welcome to our rolling comedy – where love and laughter collide in the confined space of our 40-foot RV! Buckle up as we share one of those hilariously unexpected moments that define our nomadic love story.

Picture this: a cozy moment in our RV my husband and I wrapped in a sweet moment of cuddles. As the warmth of the shared affection enveloped us, he looked into my eyes and said those three magical words, “I love you.”

Couple by Fire Image credit: Natalia Lavrinenko
I Love You Most Image by: Natalia Lavrinenko

I Love You Most

Being the ever-playful partner, I responded with a smile, “I love you most.” The exchange continued with the kind of endearing banter that comes with 40 years of marriage. He declared, “I’d be lost without you,” to which I couldn’t resist giving him a little squeeze of affection.

Now, here’s where the comedy plot twist unfolds. Without missing a beat, he dropped the punchline that had me bursting into laughter, “No, literally I’d be lost without you, you’re the navigator.” Cue my laughter echoing through the RV as the realization dawned – my role as the designated navigator came with more than just map-reading responsibilities!

Map of East Coast Road Trip
Our East Coast Trip

In that moment, our cozy haven on wheels transformed into a stage for our own private comedy show. We couldn’t help but revel in the irony of his confession – a blend of sweet sentiment and the practical reality of our nomadic lifestyle. After all, what’s a road trip without a few directional detours and a navigator’s gentle (my word, not his 😆) guidance?

This hilarious incident became an instant favorite in our RV diaries, a reminder that laughter is the glue that keeps our rolling romance intact. It’s these unexpected, light-hearted moments that make our journey not only memorable but downright fun.

So, dear readers, join us in the front-row seat of our RV comedy special, where love takes the wheel, and laughter is the soundtrack of our nomadic adventure. Stay tuned for more tales from the road, where every wrong turn is a chance for a good laugh and every sweet moment comes with a punchline.

Remember, in the grand comedy of life, an RV becomes a stage, love provides the script, and laughter steals the show! 🤣🚐 #RVComedy #LaughingThroughLife #RollingLaughs

Wondering how this adventure got started? Find all the answers and more in this author's book, "Idled Too Long: A Never Too Late to Re-Engage Health and RVing Adventure." It's your guide to a leaner, healthier, and stronger RVing life.

Or find us on Facebook and Instagram 

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Hi, I'm Lynette Ritchie

I am an RVer , an adventure and wellness enthusiast, as well as an author traveling full-time with Tim, my hubby of 41 years in our 40' Dutch Star ChaChing.

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Creativity. Intentionality. Joy.

Retirement doesn't have to be boring! We believe in embracing our inner kid and embarking on exciting road trips that will make us feel young again. With our creative itineraries, we  say goodbye to the mundane and hello to thrilling adventures that bring pure and unabashed happiness and joy.


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