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  • Writer's pictureLynette Ritchie

Southern Wisdom, Eggs, and the Secret to Being Spry

The South, with its sprawling landscapes and humid air, might not be everyone's top pick for a vacation spot, but for me, it holds a special place in my heart—not for its geography, but for its people and family.

Southern Moss Draped Oak Tree
Southern Moss Draped Oak

There's a unique brand of kindness and courtesy that seems to have taken root and flourished, creating a haven for warm souls and sweet encounters.

In my Southern adventures, I've had the pleasure of knowing one exceptional Southern lady, an 88-year-old gem residing in Alabama. A visit to her is a journey into a world of wisdom and a touch of humor that's hard to find elsewhere. This delightful woman, with a lifetime of experiences etched into her smile lines, shared a profound nugget of wisdom during my latest visit—a tale that revolves around eggs and the joy they bring.

For her birthday this year, she made an unusual request to her son: a chicken coop. It was not a typical wish for someone in their golden years, but this spirited lady wanted a mess of chickens and needed a home for them. Now, witnessing her in action is a comedy and sweetness blend—she bends, scoops up a bucket of feed, and strolls among her feathery companions, chatting amiably with us and each one of them. The choreography continues as she gracefully bends and stoops in the henhouse, collecting eggs into the front of her turned-up shirt, creating a makeshift pocket as she skillfully balances the hem with one hand while filling it with eggs using the other.

Her life, like anyone else's, is not without its challenges, but you'd hardly sense it in her demeanor. Instead of dwelling on hardships, she's a maestro at recounting her blessings. When she updates you on her very large family, there's a distinct lack of favoritism and not a single bad word about any of them. The warmth in her voice, accompanied by that sweet Southern drawl, is palpable when she expresses how much she misses her husband, who passed away just a couple of years ago after celebrating 60 years of marriage.

Chicken at Large 😆

Amidst the gentle tales of her family, there are always subtle truth bombs scattered like eggs in the straw, treasures waiting to be discovered. This time, as she casually acknowledged the inevitability of change, she emphasized the only certainty we have in life—change itself. Yet, her philosophy is one of gratitude, and she insists that it's the only way to face life's ever-shifting landscape.

In a moment of curiosity, I dared to ask her the secret to her perpetual gratitude and spryness. With that endearing drawl, she replied, "My secret? Why, I do believe it's a sense of humor and wine." In that simple sentence, she encapsulated the essence of a life well-lived—a combination of laughter and the occasional indulgence in life's pleasures.

As I bid her farewell, we share a hug, and she generously hands me a carton of eggs. It's not just any gift; it's a symbol of the wisdom, humor, and sweetness that emanates from this Southern soul. Blessed to have crossed paths with her, I leave with a heart full of gratitude, a few eggs in hand, and a renewed appreciation for the delightful tapestry of life woven with Southern charm and wisdom.

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Hi, I'm Lynette Ritchie

I am an RVer , an adventure and wellness enthusiast, as well as an author traveling full-time with Tim, my hubby of 41 years in our 40' Dutch Star ChaChing.

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