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  • Writer's pictureLynette Ritchie

Trust Issues: Directions, Definitions, and Duct-Tape

Strap in because this RVing "$hit happens" tale is about to take you on a wild ride. Imagine eagerly pulling into your reserved campground, visions of adventures, granite cliffs, and spectacular coastal views dancing in your head, only to be greeted by three hours of misadventures that would make even the hardiest traveler question their RV life choice.

View of the Atlantic
View of the Atlantic

It all started innocently enough. We had meticulously planned our destination months in advance, reserving and trusting we’d get the full hook-up site we reserved to ensure maximum comfort. We knew we would be coming from 10 days camping without sewer hook-up so “full hook-up”, including sewer, was imperative..

Problem one: fate had other plans. As we soon discovered upon check-in, a "glitch" in the campground's reservation system had downgraded us from full hook-ups to power and water only. Cue the dramatic music because things are about to get interesting. Now, let me tell you, rolling into a campground with tanks brimming is like driving a car with the gas tank on empty—you're on borrowed time.

Then …

The Rock wemhit
The Rock

Problem two reared its ugly head as we trusted the camphost’s directions to the dump station. Our host, bless their heart, had drawn a map that would make a treasure hunt seem like child's play.

We trusted they’d considered our 40 foot length when mapping our “best” route. Narrow roads and tight corners were like navigating a maze designed by a sadistic genius. And just when we thought we were in the clear, BAM! We connected with a rock, aka decorative boulder, in a blind spot, leaving three bay doors looking like they'd gone a couple rounds with a heavyweight champ.

But wait, there's more!

Duct-tape repairs
Duct-tape Repairs

After duct-taping a bay door back on and the others shut, problem three strolled onto the scene like a villain in a bad horror movie: the quest to level the coach.

When I say "level," I don't mean "slightly tilted with a side of vertigo." Yet, that's exactly what we got. Even with my long legs, I needed a block just to get to the first step and into the darn thing. Note to self: when you reserve and ask for a level site, never trust that your definitions of level are in agreement, verify for certainty.

As if that wasn't enough!

Problem four decided to crash the party like an uninvited guest at a wedding—rats in the power post. I wish I were kidding, but it was a real-life horror show out of a Stephen King novel. Cue the blown breakers, no power, the bewilderment, and the collective "What actual f'?!"

Did we consider throwing in the towel and hightailing it out of there? You bet your bottom dollar we did. But this wasn't just any campground—we were in a bucket list location during peak season, and it was the only location. So, we did what any self-respecting adventurer would do: we cracked open the bourbon, raised a toast to Murphy's Law, and settled in.

As the hours passed, the frustrations on our faces relaxed, and our neighbors decided it was safe to approach. We swapped horror stories of "the rock" (apparently, we were the only ones who'd had this experience) and commiserated over the trials and tribulations of life on the road.

Acadia National Park. Mountain climb view of the Atlantic
Beautiful Viewsmin Acadia

Fast forward two years; here we are, scars and stories in equal measure. The repairs have been made; the wounds have healed, but the memories? They're etched into our hearts like graffiti on a bathroom stall. And while we may not have escaped unscathed and without a few trust issues, we emerged stronger, wiser, and with a continued appreciation for the highs and lows of RVing life.

For what it’s worth, we would not have changed our decision to stay because the grandeur that greeted us on our first outing was nothing less than sublime. The great memories we made far outweigh the nightmarish three hours of setting up camp.

So, to all you brave adventurers out there, I leave you with this: embrace the chaos, cherish the camaraderie, and never underestimate the power of a good bourbon and a belly laugh.

Safe travels, my friends, and may your RVing adventures be filled with more laughter than lamentation.

Did our RVing misadventures strike a chord with you? Share your own campground stories in the comments below! Don't forget to like and share this post with your fellow travelers who could use a good laugh. Let's turn our tales of turmoil into a collective comedy!

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Hi, I'm Lynette Ritchie

I am an RVer , an adventure and wellness enthusiast, as well as an author traveling full-time with Tim, my hubby of 41 years in our 40' Dutch Star ChaChing.

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